Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dot Art and Numbers

There are a few arts and crafts that I keep hidden and only bring out once and awhile so the kids have a renewed appreciation for them. Dot art paint is one of them. Play- doh is another. And water color paints work, too. But today my kids were sick so we used all 3 in one day.

I've been trying to teach Charlie to identify the written form of numbers. He can count aloud and accurately count a set number of objects but identifying numbers in print has been hard for him. Since he wants to be like his big brother and do homework, we've been spending part of the day on Charlie's homework.

Today we made a number book.It is simple to make. You just need paper, a stapler, a marker, and dot art paint. You can purchase the paint at a teacher supply store.

I wrote a number on each page and modeled how to trace over it with the dot art paint.

He did the rest like me...

Until he decided he rather just take the sponge and make a solid line instead of dots. That's ok. The objective of the lesson was to have him get "a feel" for the numbers.

Mission accompished.

He then reinforced his learning by reading to Jack.

Fun learning for all!

And the best part...

They were having so much fun today with all their art projects that I was able to get one of my house tasks that I've been wanting to do for a long time done. Don't worry, I didn't paint a room by myself while I had sick kids at home, I just put sample colors on the wall. But, that was a huge accomplishment for me.

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