Life lately has taken a turn from crazy busy to crazier busy. It is going 100 mph all day long, falling asleep on the couch, and waking up to start all over again. Perhaps you can relate. I am sure you can. Raising children, working, taking care of a home and one another is not for sissies.
Which is why we have to take moments to get away from it all.
Some days that is as simple as reading a few pages of my magazine in silence, taking Lady for a walk by myself, or staying in the shower for an extra two minutes just because.
However, when we get a chance to travel up to our local mountains for a weekend with some of our favorite peeps, we don't take it for granted.
These memories making times are what give me more fuel for the busy, busy, busy.
We seek fun and moments with the tenacity of a gold miner circa 1848.
Lake Arrowhead 2014...we struck fun, laughter, and memories.
Happy weekend, friends. Make some memories.
Much love,