Tuesday, March 27, 2012

impact of the heart

I sometimes ponder what impact I'd have if I gave everything up to move to a 3rd world country. It sounds drastic, but I wonder what I could I do that is of great significance to benefit the lives of others.

I read stories of brave men and women who sense their calling and give it a go.

They don't look back, but rather they keep their eyes fixed on the work set before them.

And in those moments, I stare at the pile of laundry on my bed and the day old socks on the stairs that tell me that Luke forgot to put his socks in his hamper...again. In those moments, my life seems insignificant compared to what many others are doing to bring love and hope to those who have lost all sense of love and hope.

However, God frequently reminds me that in His eyes, it is not the distance traveled or the boldest moves that He measures, but rather it is the distance our hearts are willing to go.

So when our youth pastor and his wife shared with the church that their soon to be born son will be born with a severe heart defect, which will require immediate surgery after birth, my heart knew it was time to pack its bags and take action.

Since she is traveling to San Diego twice a week, I brought her a couple of meals so she won't need to cook on those days this week. I am not a chef, but the help of a Pinterest recipe and my favorite turkey chili recipe, my heart traveled far. Cooking for others is way out of my comfort zone, but leaving our comfort zone to provide comfort of the heart for others is far more important.

Their son will need multiple surgeries. Even with the surgeries, his prognosis is not what any parent would want to hear. You can follow their story here.

Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Much love,


Working full-time is kicking my butt. If there is one part of my lupus that has presented itself more than any other, it is through the fatigue.

Prior to going back to work, I've always been a night owl. Even when I was pregnant and up through sleepless nights with a cranky newborn baby, I've always been fine without a lot of sleep. I have more energy than I know what to do with.


However, I am now crashing every night by the time the boys go to bed. I thought my 80 year old body trapped inside a 30-something year old body would catch up with the new routine, but it is taking more time than I anticipated. I never thought I'd ever admit that I am actually exhausted.

But, I am.

With that exhaustion, comes a lack of motivation to capture precious moments with my camera, and to extract creative words from my shut down brain. However, I am never too tired for Pinterest, friends. So here are a few favorites from this week...

What about you? Are you on Pinterest? Does anyone really do anything with their pins I wonder? I made a recipe this week. I'll share it soon. However, it really is just a place for me to zombie out and dream away. I hope you are each having a great week!

Much love,

Saturday, March 10, 2012

coronado island

Coronado Island is a jewel in San Diego. It is not really an island since it is only surrounded by 3 sides of water. We quizzed the boys on that one on the way down. The teacher in me can never let a teachable moment go to waste. I know they will eventually roll their eyes at me when I probe for such answers so I may as well do it before it is too late!

Kevin and I have been enjoying Coronado since we were in college. We went to college on the other side of this point...


I even drove on the edge side of the bridge for the sake of Kevin getting pics for you. My anxiety level was through the roof, but we all survived without me flipping the hip minivan into the bay.


We drove by our favorites spots including Lamb's Theatre. It is a playhouse where my family would go see a Christmas musical every year. Although I am not described as sentimental often, when it comes to traditions, I am as sentimental as they get, Baby. The Hotel Del Cornando is historic and beautiful. We stayed there for a night with Luke and Charlie (Jack was cooking in the oven) a few years ago.


Eventually we ended up at the beach and I watched as my guys did their thing for a couple of hours.They may drive me nuts at home, but give them some air, water, and sand and they are set.

The rocks beckoned their names. As I watched them climb, I could only imagine how big those rocks must seem to them.

Jack had a full fledged pirate one man show going. He successfully played all the characters.

Charlie hopped from rock to rock despite my best, "If you don't stop jumping from rock to rock, we're heading home."

As for Luke, he climbed, searched, and eventually found a hidden tide pool.





It was one of those days when you just see everything in shots and each shot makes you more grateful for the life you have more than the shot before.





Even this local was having a moment with the universe. I sensed him soaking it all it and proclaiming the goodness of it all.


There is nothing that fills my tank as much as watching all my guys, the big one included, together.


I'm thankful they are my posse.

During sand dollar hunting intermission, we stopped into the ice cream shop. We gave in and let them order waffle cones since that's usually a "not today" item.


It was just another day to remind me to be thankful for what I have and to not take the ones closest to me for granted.

I am blessed.

Much love,

Wednesday, March 7, 2012



There is nothing like spending a day at the beach to remind me of God's amazing creation.

When my friend's daughter found a sand dollar in the midst of broken shells, it reminded me of His beautiful creation.

There is nothing like seeing something through the eyes of a child.

Much love,

Linking up with Heather at Beautifully Rooted.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

health update--answered prayers

Hi my dear Friends,

I have been meaning to write this post for some time now.

You may remember a few months ago when I asked for prayer for my burning mouth syndrome. I was at the end of my rope. After 4 years of constant burning in my mouth, I thought I was going to lose it. I hesitated on reaching out because I don't talk about my lupus, sjourgren's, or other pain easily. But, God really nudged me to put it out there.

That week, I spent a copious amount of time researching on the good old internet since I was so frustrated by the lack of success with what my doctors had suggested.

I found a website with fellow burning mouth suffers. Many recommend a supplement for nerve pain. I bought it immediately. It worked immediately.

Immediately as in a couple of days after asking for prayer!

I didn't want to update too quickly as many treatments for my various lupus symptoms work for a bit and then fail much to my dismay.

However, I am still having great success and I want to give thanks for your sweet prayers in that time of need.

Source: etsy.com via Donna on Pinterest

I love each of you and value you more than you know.

Much love,

P.S. Head on over to Beautifully Rooted and check out my latest post as well as all the other posts of some truly awesome women. It is a very inspiring place to read.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

rising up

Hi Friends,

So much has changed in the last month. Getting the chance to write and edit photos simply cannot be fit in between work and time with my family. I miss having the time throughout the week to sit on my favorite spot on the couch and create words.

Create stories.

Create memory catching records for my 3 boys.

But, I know that this is a time of transition. I can roll with it because change is simply one thing about life that we cannot change, right?

I am learning that with change, you grow. You push yourself beyond what you thought was capable. Change opens your eyes to see your life in a new perspective. Perhaps it isn't new. Rather it was there, but you were so used to what was that you couldn't see it.

Prior to returning to teaching as a long-term substitute for a 4th grade class, I would wake up when the boys woke up. Because I am such a night owl, I would peel my eyes open at 6:30 and sit in a coma on my sofa until I had my morning cup of happy.

However, I now set my alarm and wake up when it is pitch black so I can be in my classroom by 7:00. I pack the boys' lunches and put out their clothes, but Kevin feeds them and takes them to school.

I get to see them throughout the day. Although I want to hug Luke when I spot him lining up with his 3rd grade class, I know better. I just watch him instead while my heart aches a bit for missing my mornings with him.

My classroom is close to Charlie's kindergarten classroom, so once a week I bring my lunch in there while they do math centers.

Fortunately, Jack attends the school's preschool so he's on campus too.

After school they come in and hang out while I work. Some days it works perfectly. Other days, I take away privileges, pack my bag with everything possible that I can do at home, and head out since they are kids and sitting in Mom's classroom after a whole day of school is not easy.

I get it.

When we get home, I grade while they play. We have dinner together. And the former night owl in me now crashes at 8:00 p.m.

Yes, things have changed. I've learned though that life does not have to be one certain way to enjoy it and make it the best life possible. Although I am exhausted and miss the kids, I love my job. I love the process of teaching. I love that each student is such an individual. I love the community of a classroom. I love being with other adults during the day. I love pursuing a passion outside of the home while maintaining my passion for raising my boys.

It is a challenge I will continue to face until summer, but I'm rising up to it as best as possible.

Rising up.

I hope you are rising up today too.

Much love,