I truly don't know how we got here so fast.

While prepping for parenthood, I considered all the things I would teach my son.

Never did I pause to consider all that he would teach me.

Happy Birthday, Luke.

Thank you for teaching me greater compassion, patience, to never say never, and how to think outside of the box.
I could not be more proud of who God has shaped you to be.
Much love,
so beautiful. amen.
happy birthday!!
enjoy celebrating(praying the rain stays away!)
p.s. elijah LOVES hex bugs. he turns them on and smooshes them onto his face, or stuffs them into his pockets. ha.
So cool our aspies were both born on January 18th. They sure have rocked our worlds, huh?
aww happy birthday to your little man! my goodness, he is adorable!
Holy cow Katie - your posts are like a Rascal Flatts video. I never know when they may make me laugh or make me cry. Excuse me while I reach for my kleenex. Happy Birthday to your little man!
you had me at the title. i'm preparing to celebrate my oldest son's 9th bday also and i can't believe how much parenting him has grown me, too. happy birthday to your lil/big man! p.s. those hex bugs are where it's at around here, too ;)
So beautiful, I agree!
I don't think any of us stop to think how having children will change who we are.
Happy 9th birthday to your sweet boy!!! xo
Happy 9th Birthday, Luke!!! Made me think of something I saw on Pinterest...
"While we try to teach our children all about life. Our children teach us what life is all about."
And, the older my boys get, the more I wonder where the time has gone.
Have a great week!
Happy birthday to your boy!
Mine turned 8 on Jan 20th. Isn't it great having a boy.
them teaching us...SO TRUE!
happy birthday to your baby!!!
Happy Birthday to your sweet boy!! He is so cute on his bike! :)
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