Doesn't he look so shy and sweet?
Well, let me tell ya. I could go on and tell you about how we worked with him for the entire summer on saying "I don't like" instead of "I hate."
I could elaborate on the fact of how he's going to give me premature grey hairs when he is around his brothers due to his spunkiness.
However, I rather share with you the fact that I love him to pieces despite the fact that he has challenged me more than the other 2 combined.
But, I know that he was given that spunkiness for a reason. He will use it well later in life. I know he will.

And now that the 2 of us get one-on-one time during the day, that kid loves on me like none other.
We hold hands, give hugs and kisses, and declare "I love you's" like they are going out of style.
He's stretching me to be a better mama, even though I feel like I'm stumbling on this motherhood gig on most days.
I love that kid to the moon and back.
Much love,
*linking up with the Anderson Crew
Very sweet Katie! Good positive switcharoo there. He'll end up being the one closest to you when they are all adults.
so so sweet!
i have one of those boys too!
can i just say that i love your hair???
That one on one time makes all the difference. Sometimes it's just what they need...and us too. He is a sweety...and you are too. :)
Love me some Jack! And your new hair is adorable. Can;t wait to see you tomorrow!
Great! I love these shots!
Love these photos, how fun! My almost 5 year old sounds exactly the same! Everyone needs a spunky one!!!:)
I love your hair; beautiful!
i prefer spunk over lack thereof!!!!
This made me smile ;)
Okay, this could have made me cry. I held strong :) I have a spunky one. I'll pray for you and you can pray for me. Despite their spunk, we wouldn't want them any other way than how God has created them to be. Sweet post.
he is a cutie. easy to love to the moon and back, i bet ;) can't WAIT to meet you SOON. woo hoo!!!
Visiting from ETC. Great attitude and fun pictures!
WHEN can we introduce him to my Julian?! They would be fast friends of that I am sure.
Such a sweet post.
I have one of those kids myself, and I know that I'll learn more from her than anyone else in the world.
So cute. I love the "i love you's". what a special little guy. Your hair... LOVE IT! Can't wait to see you this weekend.:)
Oh, I so know what you mean! I have one just like him! I actually wrote about her on Wednesday :) Cute pictures!
He is really cute :)
I bet he really will do great things in life too katie!
Can't wait to see ya at blog sugar! I am sure you will look great no matter which of those 8 outfits you choose!! :)
yes. i'm banking on spunkyness being a great 'future' characteristic! ;) have fun @ blogsugar!!
Very photogenic! Nice job taking a pic of yourself! When I try shooting myself it always turns out looking kinda silly! Like the new profile pic too! Cute shirt!
Hope y'all are having a Sugary Blast out there in So Cal!!! ;)
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